Friday, November 23, 2007

Weigh In Friday

I lost another 3 pounds this week. I'm down to 154, which is the lowest I have been since Vincent was born. Considering this weigh in included Thanksgiving, I feel pretty good! I was kinda torn over the whole Thanksgiving thing, especially as how it is my favorite holiday. I decided to eat what I wanted in reasonable portions (not the usual fill your plate till you feel sick), but not to skimp and feel like I didn't enjoy the meal. I made an oath to not hit the "snackies" before (or after) and limited dessert to the filling from a half a slice of pumpkin pie (no crust) and a mini cupcake. I still felt like I participated in the holiday, but didn't walk away feeling like I completely fell off the wagon.
I'll keep chugging till Christmas...

1 comment:

Brian said...

Great job sweetheart! Keep it up! You are really looking hot! (not that you didn't before,though it is a noticeable change dropping 11 lbs.). I'm proud of you!


Brian :)