Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Amy tagged me for another meme... I guess I should feel privileged because of her monster list of bloggers she could have chosen...

5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. Graduating from college with my now useless nursing degree.
2. Settling into my first "real" job.
3. Enjoying living in a college town but not going to college.
4. Working on my mustang and old bronco in my free time.
5. Hanging out with friends.

5 things on my to do list:
1. Finish, well, start and finish the DVD slideshow from my May wedding.
2. Follow up with a few photography customers.
3. Call the doctor's office.
4. Go for a bike ride with the kids (slow, on the road...)
5. List my camera on eBay... my new one is coming Thursday.

5 favorite snacks/food:
1. Chocolate
2. Peanuts
3. Cheesecake
4. Plain cheeseburger from McDonald's
5. Uno's pizza

5 things I would do if I was a billionaire:
1. Move to Colorado on a gazillion acres and build a huge timber frame lodge style home.
2. Put a big ol' barn with lots of horses there, and hire people to take care of it all.
3. Set aside a couple million for each kid
4. Open a microbrewery/restaurant.
5. Start a Mustang collection.

5 bad habits:
1. Getting too many things started.
2. Being impatient.
3. Cussing
4. Impulsiveness.
5. Not calling people back.

5 Places I've lived:
1. Chesterton
2. Valpo
3. West Lafayette
4. Lafayette
5. That's it.

5 People I'm Tagging (the usual suspects)
1. Allisa
2. Jessica
3. TBD
4. TBD
5. TBD

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