Friday, March 21, 2008

Buh-Bye Buh-Buh

The day finally came. Jade went cold turkey - no more buh-buh's. Her buh-buh was her pacifier, for those of you who haven't had the pleasure of hearing her screaming for it...
Anyway, today marks day 3 of absolutely no pacifiers. The first night went amazingly well - much better than I had anticipated. She cried for a few minutes, asked for them a few times, then went to sleep. She even took a nap at the sitters the next day without too much fuss. Tonight, she's asleep peacefully, without even a mention of them. If I knew it would be that easy, I'd have done that a year ago.
In other news, I think I have gangrene of the finger. Take a look at that picture... do you think I should see someone? It was a little miscolored yesterday, but tonight it got really bad. No. Just kidding. We dyed easter eggs tonight, and silly me just decided to fish them out of the dye baths with my fingers instead of using the little egg-dipper thingy. I thought it looked pretty cool on the finger though...

It's amazing what kids can get into in a moment's notice. Today I went downstairs for a few minutes to come up and see that Kirby had apparently decided to start a revolution. Like in Braveheart - I see the resemblance. The kids must have thought it would be a good idea to color the dog. So whomever was responsible for this decision decided to do war paint on his forehead. Maybe I should investigate the older one, since the paint seems to be in the shape of a "V". He looks like one of the Manson girls or something... I guess that redeems his worth a little. Any dog who'll allow two kids to color his forehead without creating enough of a stir to alert a nearby parent deserves at least a little credit...


Amy said...

If we could come up with a paci patch (like a nicotine patch, but for pacifiers) we could make a fortune!!


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