Saturday, January 26, 2008


I just signed another wedding for this year. That's pretty cool, seeing as how my computer crashed and I unexpectedly had to go out and buy a new one. As it is, why buy a new one if it's not a good one, so needless to say, a little extra money right now is a good thing.
Speaking of extra money... how about a big HOO-RAH for G W Bush et al!!! The first good thing he's done for the country *IMO* since the second he took the oath. I'll be expecting my $1800 "American rebate" check to be accompanied by a $100 gas card... or a few stocks of his oil company will do. I feel like I've been raped at the pump, and I have a car that costs me exactly $0 in gas/year. I can't imagine how other people feel, or even how they do it at this point.
In other news. The kids are good. We haven't done anything cool to report lately. I think we're going to try to go to the city in the middle with Amy this Thursday to check out the museum. That should proove interesting. I'm sure if we make it we'll have fun. I'll try to get it documented with pictures.
I just wanted to check in... Brian will probably be home for his lunch break in a few minutes, so I'm gonna keep it simple.

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