Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I'm Officially a Total Geek

Today, as the "Geek Squad" at Best Buy was installing my new graphics card in my new computer, I had the opportunity to peruse through the store. I only recently learned what "bluetooth" meant, realizing that this wasn't a poor oral hygiene issue.
Be it said, I have repeatedly made fun of those folks who walk around Wal-Mart and other public venues with a huge, blue, blinking space ship in their ear. Not only that, but usually, they are talking (and it only becomes evident they are talking on the phone when you see the spaceship). I'm really unsettled with the thought that I was even looking at these things.
Then when the girl at Best Buy raved about how much easier they make your life, I decided to take the plunge and buy one. At home, I figured it out in about 4 minutes flat, and had it up and running. I felt like a genius. I was doing dishes, giving Jade a bath, and cleaning the house, all while making my necessary evening phone calls.
I haven't used it in the car yet. Mind you, I can multitask and drive. It comes with my job. But it seems either a) I don't hear the phone ringing because the music is too loud, b) I don't hear the phone ringing because the police radio is too loud, c) I don't hear the phone ringing because the music and police radios are too loud, or d) I actually hear the phone ringing but can't figure out which pocket it's in without creating a major traffic hazard.
Now, it all doesn't matter. Because I'm officially a total geek. I felt so cool... I programmed all my phone voice commands, so now I don't even have to look at the phone to call all my favorite people.
I dunno... I may have to start promoting these things...

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