Monday, August 20, 2007

Uh, Hello? God?

God? You there? Do you think this is funny?
We have had a thunderstorm just about every night for about the past week. The problems with this arrangement are 1) they always seem to occur in the peak sleeping hours of the night and 2) Vincent is guaranteed to wake up in hysterics at each one.
So now, my once good sleeping child is now up all night, even if its not storming, because he's scared it's going to storm. Last night it was from 12:30 am (at the first clap of thunder) till 4am (about 1.5 hours after the last clap of thunder). This really is not funny and I am NOT impressed. I don't get it. Why can't these things take place at oh, say 2pm? Like when we are all awake already - yeah - that would make sense.
I've had it. I just came back from the second re-placing back into bed in 30 minutes. I need a drink...

1 comment:

Amy said...

Could he wear earplugs? Or headphones with some soothing music playing?

Poor you! I hope the storms clear out (although it has been great for our dying lawn - we really needed the rain down here!).
