Friday, May 2, 2008

Universe 1, Jen 0

I had a lot of ideas for the title of this blog. Ranging from...
1. Why is Jen mopping the kitchen floor at 11:30 CST.
2. Why is Jen sweeping the kitchen floor at 11:30 CST.
3. Vive le vino!
4. This sucks.
5. I suck.
6. My life sucks.
7. Why do Border Collies find it necessary to walk back and forth over a freshly mopped, glass covered floor?
8. What is it with my pets and foot injuries?
9. You're not going to the vet so get over it.
and 10. Where the hell is my wine?

Well, I was just sitting here, minding my own business, catching up on a few emails and reading a few blogs when it happened. I thought to myself, "I'm gonna sit and have a small glass of wine and catch up on a few emails and read a few blogs." So I did, and I was, until it happened.

I turned too quickly and hit the wine glass. Well, that wasn't the problem. The problem was my idiot knee jerk reflex to catch the wine glass (that wasn't falling, mind you) which in turn knocked the wine glass, nearly full, off the buffet.

There's nothing I hate more than vacuuming and mopping than vacuuming and mopping at 11:30 CST.

I just can't win for loosin' this week!!

1 comment:

Amy said...

You so do not suck, I would've left it and dealt with it in the morning. :)

Is Kirby's foot ok?
