Thursday, February 28, 2008

An Expensive Day

I spent my day off running around getting ready for our wine party that we're hosting this weekend. Every year (or at least close to every year) we host a wine tasting. Each year has a theme, and this year, we are tasting the same wines but from different regions (example: Chardonnay from France, Napa, and locally grown) to compare the differences. The climate and soil can greatly affect how the grape comes out in the wine, so this is what we're looking to compare. I picked a Chardonnay, a Riesling, and a Merlot. Two french and one german. I wanted to do one french, one german, and one italian, but italian varieties, specifically Sangiovese, don't grow in this area. Anyway, I'm gearing up and doing a little research so I know what I'm talking about on Saturday.
If you're reading this and are planning on coming, I expect it's going to be a really informative year, if you pay attention. So I'm pretty excited about it.

I'll post some pics and let you know how it goes. BTW, the grape picture is one I took in Michigan last fall and the other is from our last party.

1 comment:

The Schnicks said...

We had a great time at the wine tasting Jen! I was very impressed by all of the knowledge you had about the least the part we heard! I wish I could have tasted more, but what I had was pretty good. Thanks for sharing it with us.
