Monday, February 11, 2008

Pleco blah blah blah

Brian got the dead pleco thing out of the fish tank. Get this. He came into the kitchen after I told him what he was going to do. He opened the utensil drawer - the one with all the spatulas and ladels and stuff. Incidentally, this drawer also contains the tongs.

So, he proceeds to get the tongs out and use them to remove the dead pleco thing. And you thought I was grossed out before. Yeah, those will just remain in the dishwasher for about 7 cycles before I'm convinced they are devoid of all dead fish junk.

We have a new pleco thing. This one is actually kind of cute, but that's probably mostly due to the fact that its only about 1-2 inches long and very small, unlike the dead one. In addition to the pleco thing, we also bought 4 more fish, one of which I discovered after I got it home and released into our tank, is blind in both eyes. This is strange and coincidental because a lady at the horse barn, for reasons I can't remember now, just was talking about a 20 year old double blind fish. I think it's the same kind of fish too.

So I still have a fish dilemma... what to do with the blind fish. I kind of feel bad for it because if I take it back, what are they going to do with it...

On the other hand, I only was willing to pay $10 for a stupid fish that was going to be interesting to watch. I guess it can be considered interesting to watch the blind one swim into the plants and other fish and stuff, I was just hoping it would intereact and swim around with the other fish. Maybe I'll tell them I'll keep the blind one, I just want another to satisfy my need for my fish to be part of a little community. I'll convince them it will be in the best interest of the fish. Hell, if I can convince someone that I believe it was a good idea to __insert crime here__ I hope I can convince a 16 year old clerk at PetSmart that they should just give me another fish.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Maybe you could get him a seeing eye dogfish at Petsmart?
