Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Early Voting

I am hardly a political person. In fact, I really hate most everything about politics and the whole "political engine" especially being from an area so plagued with bad politics. I attended a Barack Obama community meeing last night in Valpo. It was in this little po-dunk like 200 square foot building in the run down part of town. Surprisingly, there were many, many people crammed into this teeny tiny little space. I went mostly to see what the gig was and what Porter County was doing to forward the Obama campaign. Probably the most interesting thing I learned was of this early voting thing. Apparently it's nothing new, and I'm probably the only idiot who didn't realize it existed, but did you know in Indiana you can vote (not absentee) anytime after April 7th for the May 6th primary? That means no fighting the long lines at your precinct, no figuring out what to do with the kids... it has many clear benefits. You just look up the early voting location in your county, and go vote. Any time you like. Isn't that cool? I plan on going this week to get it done.
The other clear benefit is that I can spend my day off of work drinking - given I remember to stock up on booze before Election Day.

Just kidding. According to the Obamaholics at the 13 step meeting, it's a great day to get out and give people rides to the polls and stuff like that. Uh, no. These people were like chanting and rallying and stuff right there in the 200 square foot dungeon. I'm all about supporting your guy (or gal) but that was a little extreme. I just wanted to say, "If Barack Obama loved you as much as you love him, maybe he'd give you a little money to rent out a respectable building, or buy you a computer to do your work thats not 1)donated and 2)from 1980." Oh well. I guess if we didn't have people less cynical than I we wouldn't get much done.

1 comment:

The Schnicks said...

I am sorry I missed that meeting!