Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Coma Cometh

Despite the fact that it's beautiful outside, the fact that I've been VERY VERY good about running and eating right, the fact that I've successfully de-cluttered about 40% of my house, and the fact that I've even gotten a reasonable amount of sleep in the past few nights (all you need, ladies, is a husband that has to get up before o'dark thirty, and you get to go to bed by 9:30!!) - I feel like total dog crap.

My symptoms are mild at worst, I just have a general malaise today. And I'm SOOO not in the mood for it...

So tonight after the customary hot tub soak (yay!) I took a shot of NyQuil, a melatonin, and a Leingenkeugels Honey Weiss...

"NyQuil, NyQuil, NyQuil we love you, you giant f-ing Q..."

If you don't know what that last thing is about, you can no longer be my friend. Just kidding.

I'll see you when I come out of the coma... probably Saturday...


Amy said...

All the up and down in the weather has my nose running too. Hope the NyQuil helped. "Big N, little y, big effin' Q..." :)

You have to get better in time for Claire's party on the 14th. It's going to be nuts.


The Saunders Family said...

sorry you have succumbed to the yuck! I had a stomach virus on monday and I was horizontal all day! I was zonked and I didn't even move! Hope you are feeling better SOON!