Thursday, January 22, 2009

25 Random Things

My friend Amy tagged me on a 25 random things blog game.

I'm supposed to tag 25 people to play along, but I only know like 5, so if you want to participate, participate at will! I'd love to hear about you! Hmmm....

1. My husband and I just took a huge leap and bought a very expensive new truck. I said I'd never buy another new, new vehicle, but, oh well!

2. I'm really hopeful that President Obama does well and at least partially lives up to the expectations we have of him.

3. I'm training to beat my best time in a 5K and am running my first of the season on March 14th with my friend Allisa, and maybe Sarah and one of her friends.

4. I have met up with some very very old friends of mine recently on Facebook. No, they're not old and friends. They're old friends... you know what I mean. This has opened my eyes to the value of TRUE friendship. Some of these people I haven't even spoken to in YEARS, and I find that we have eerie similarities in our adult lives.

5. I am eternally cold. No matter what.

6. I have horses and believe it's an illness set upon me by the devil. It costs a ton of money, no one but other horse people understand, and I can't help it.

7. I can't even believe how much I love my kids. I love them so much, it hurts.

8. The majority of the problems I have in my relationship with my husband revolve around the fact that we are so much alike.

9. I admire my grandma more than any other person on this planet.

10. I really like to drink Diet Coke for breakfast. It makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong ;)

11. I really, really like beer.

12. One of my only regrets in my adult life is that I didn't move to Colorado the day I graduated college.

13. My favorite holiday is still Thanksgiving.

14. I love photography, and am elated that my photog business is taking off full blast.

15. My favorite movie is Seven.

16. I don't understand fireworks and my husband's obsession with them... not even for a minute... but they are fun to take pictures of.

17. I'll probably never own another dog that's not a border collie.

18. I could care less if I ever visit the Dunes state park again.

19. I actually like snow, I just hate the scenery here that comes with it.

20. I'm perfectly content to sit home every night with my family and watch the news till I go to bed.

21. I'm one of the few Americans that can actually boast that I love my job.

22. I have 3 tattoos.

23. I'd rather eat a plain cheeseburger value meal from McDonalds than most anything else.

24. I think Richard Daley is really cool.

25. I'm on the Denver Broncos season ticket waiting list.

That's all I can think of... YOUR TURN!!!

1 comment:

Amy said...

*I* am glad that you didn't move to Colorado!!

You've got to get a heated mattress pad for your bed if you're always cold. The only problem is that now I never want to get out of my bed.

I don't think I knew that you have tattoos!

Great list!