Sunday, December 28, 2008


I never knew the non-dominant hand pinkie finger right. on. the. tip could possibly hurt this bad.

I fell off of Harley today (don't worry, Auntie, the only injury I have is my finger and my back's fine!). It was slow motion, as most things like that are. I had time to think, alright, this could be bad. Let's not land the wrong way on the ol' back. In my intense concentration to NOT hurt my back on my way down, I apparently really forgot to remember what I was doing with my left hand, because whatever I did, it wasn't good. I don't think I've ever posted a blog with so many w's or s's!!! It must be a conspiracy.

I think I broke that teeny tiny little dinky bone right on the end of my pinkie. I've done a lot of things in my life that hurt... but no joke, this is right up there on the list of All Things Painful.

I'm trying to post some holiday pics... hopefully they'll be up soon...


Amy said...

Eek! Is it swollen? Probably not much they could do for a break there, anyway, other than splint it. Did you splint it?

I prescribe lots and lots and lots of egg nog, liberally spiked with lots and lots and lots of rum.

Feel better soon. Go to the doctor if it turns colors.


PS - good job protecting your back!

The Schnicks said...

It seems like I have said this before, but I guess I will say it again. No horses = $600 a month in your pocket, extra money from the glue sales, and no more injuries. Glad you are not too hurt. By the way, get rid of the horses.

Unknown said...

Ouch! That sounds way too similar to what happened to the tip of my right pinkie, and you know what it looks like now. :(

The Schnicks said...

You've been tagged....