Saturday, September 6, 2008

Biting Insects

Jade got her first bee sting yesterday, and in the most unfortunate of places... right on her eyelid. She was standing outside and the buggar was flying around her face. She really wasn't reacting at all, why should she, it's just a little bug, right? Well, yeah, till now. Anyway she put the back of her hand up to her eye because it was buzzing right around her eye and bam. The son of a gun got stuck between her hand and her eye. Thank God she had her eye closed, or we'd have had a problem. I couldn't believe how ok she was with it. She spazzed for only a minute or two, held an ice pack on it, and was fine. Now she has a huge swollen eye and it looks like we beat her. Oh well, there's a first time for everything...


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The Saunders Family said...

poor thing, at least she doesn't appear traumatized! I remember being stung on the foot about age 7 and not being able to wear a shoe for several weeks, yeah that was fun!

The Schnicks said...

I think I need to place a call to CPS.