Thursday, November 4, 2010


Vincent's been involved in Taekwando for about a year now. He's improved so much, and I've noticed a big improvement in his self confidence and behavior since he's started. His coordination and balance has improved too and he has good role models to look up to in his class. He's learning personal achievement, self discipline, perseverence, and the value of hard work for reward. Jade and I have spent many many hours watching him - and she's been asking for months to join too.

Today I let her, and she was stoked. She entered her first "Tiny Tigers" class full of gusto. She did so well and picked up on what she was supposed to do so quickly. She had great focus, followed the rules, and did a fantastic job. She was so tickled about her new uniform and how she did that she insisted on calling Auntie and Grandma right then and there to tell them about it before we could even leave for home.

Here's to hoping eventually I'll have two black belts, who can use the skills and values they're learning today to better themselves as adults (helps the resume too!)

Good job guys!

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