Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Welcome 2010! We had a small (very small) get together here at the house last night. All 4 kids stayed up past midnight and celebrated with us. Their treat was some *amazing* Meijer Birthday Cake ice cream in a wine glass. They digged it and secretly so did I. Yum.

We made some appetizers and had beef sandwiches - talked and watched the official Chicago countdown. By the time we got cleaned up and everyone was organized it was nearly 1:00. Got the kids teeth brushed and they disappeared off to bed on their own while I was saying the goodbyes. By the time I found them (LOL) they were all tucked in and nearly asleep already! Nothing like a late night for bedtime cooperation!

So here's wishing everyone a happy and prosperous 2010! I know I'm looking forward to the changes to come...

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