Monday, August 25, 2008

Holy God... Did I Screw Up...

I spent about 6 hours yesterday editing pictures from Saturday’s wedding. Follow me here so you can weep with me…
Total images in RAW format = 1050
First edit; get rid of the “blinkers” remaining images = 789
Second edit; just bad pictures, remaining images = 624
Detailed edits = 624
Total files containing edited information = 624
Now, since I went from 789 images to 624, what was image #4 was now image, oh, #2 or so.
I renamed the 624 remaining so they were in numerical order (1-624) – so now the edit I did for the OLD #4, now applies to the new #4… you get the picture? (no pun intended).
I just lost 6 hours worth of editing, and there’s no way to un-rename the files to get them associated back with the edit file for which they are associated.
Does this make sense or am I just still in a state of delirium? So rather than opening roughly 624 edit files in notepad, noting the original image number, and guessing which RAW file it should be paired to, I’m. Starting. Over.
Yikes. We won’t make that mistake again!!!


The Saunders Family said...

Don't you just wish you had stayed in bed on days like that....take for instance the day I decided to plunge the tub because it wasn't draining very fast, well, fast forward to the ceiling leaking in the kitchen right on the laptop! Yeah, should have stayed in bed!

Bartek said...

First of all, we're super flattered you posted our link on the right as inspiration!! YAY! :D

Now for your renaming issue...I feel your pain! Renaming a mass of images the wrong way is sooo horrible, I've done it before. Not sure what software you use but in Adobe Bridge there's an option to "preserve current filename in XMP metadata" which stores the original filename within each image! So if you ever need to know what it was originally called you should still be able to retrieve it.