Saturday, February 6, 2010


We (I) have been waiting patiently around here for some gosh darn sunshine, and this morning it's here! I think I'm officially feeling the winter blahs so the weather today is a welcome break from the gray. Not only that but in my yearly mini celebration whereupon I hit "e-file taxes now" on my Turbo Tax program, I was boldly informed by the same that my taxes are not e-fileable. I guess it's worth it though to qualify for that homebuyer credit. Crap.

In other news, I think there needs to be a committee somewhere to tell the people who schedule the superbowl that a 5:30 kick off time is going to hurt viewership. Not only do some people have to work the next day - which is fine if you're NOT going to a party, or if you're not going to enjoy/celebrate... but a lot of us have these things called kids? Yeah, and their schools don't consider the day after the big game a holiday. Therefore, parties that would otherwise assemble will not. Not only that, but it'll be right about the middle to the early end of the game when it's time for supper (away from the tv), snack (away from the tv), bath (away from the tv), and other bedtime ritual stuff (away from the tv). And who likes to watch a DVR'd football game! Good thing the commercials are entertaining...

Well that's my mini rant for the day. Time to prepare my LAST wedding album from last season and start my planning for fast all the approaching weddings this year!

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