Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers Day and H1N1

So I'm pretty sure I have the plague. Or something. About a week ago I leaned over to my fabulous husband and whispered these sweet nothings in his ear, "I think I'm getting sick." Well I was right and what started as a very mild head cold as far as head colds go has turned into a raging plague. Or the swine flu, I'm not quite sure yet. I think I'm gonna die. The really cool part is that I think I'm about to lose my voice. For anyone who knows me, that's pretty funny really. I'm really quite puny...

It doesn't help that I have a million things I'm trying to get done around here, either. Actually a million minus one, as our trusty washing machine has officially crapped out on us. That's a good and bad thing. As you can imagine, I'm pretty stoked that I haven't done one stitch of laundry this weekend, however, all that means is that I'll have double the amount when we get the situation rememdied.

Happy Mother's Day to all those mothers out there, too. Mom, Grandma, Auntie, Sis, Amy, Allisa, Wendy, Jessica, Molly, Cate, Ginnifer... and anyone else not specifically mentioned because it's too early for my brain to work, here's a shout out! Hope you guys all have a great day. I was listening to the radio the other morning and they featured "Mommy Confessions." It was hilarious. If you have any "Mommy Confessions" I'd love to hear them... leave them in the comments section. I think the funniest one I heard was lady who said she's told her mom that she was going to have a really busy day at work so her mom watched the kids, she took a personal day from work, parked her SUV in a forest preserve somewhere and slept in the back all day. That's so damn funny. And I'll have to admit, my knee jerk reaction on that was, "What a great idea!"

So for those of you who are real observant, yes, I am posting this at 5:30 in the morning on Mother's Day... SUNDAY... when I should rightfully be sleeping. This damn H1N1 is preventing me from obtaining any restful sleep. Or maybe it's the bottle of Shiraz I met last night... the jury's out ;) None the less, I just took 3 Advil and a half gallon of water, so hopefully I'll be back asleep soon. Brian has agreed to bring us McDonald's for breakfast (yay) so that situation is handled. Now if I could just find some NyQuil....


Amy said...

If you like Mom confessions, there's a whole website (although they lean more sad and scary than funny)...

Mine: When MG was about 6 months old she was screaming and crying and carrying on forEVER and I couldn't figure out what was wrong, and I tried everything - changed her diaper, tried to feed her, tried rocking her to sleep, checked for stray needles in her feet - nothing. So finally I got exasperated and I looked at her and said, "Would you just STOP being such a BABY?"

I told my baby to stop being such a baby. Awesome parenting.

Happy Mother's Day! Feel better soon.


The Saunders Family said...

:( sorry you are sick on Mother's Day, but that just means extra special pampering right?
Hmmm...I did the same thing Amy, and I even left her screaming and just went out of the house for a was either that or shaken baby syndrome was going to happen! Sometimes we just have to get away.

Cate said...

Hey Jen! I know, commenting a few weeks late...but now that school's out I can catch up on all the interneting I've been wanting to do. Thanks for the funny comments you've left on my blog lately... And I suppose one could lose a child in the breakup slush (that's still lingering on!); you do have to keep tabs on them and watch where you walk; But I'm not really afraid Esther will fall in the manuking hole -- she's pretty safety savvy, lucky me.

OK, so my confession is probably something many moms do, but I regularly lie to Esther about the status of chocolate in our house, and then count the minutes till she's in bed and then scarf it down myself. A few times I have been known to lie about the exact kind of thing the candy actually is -- a few days ago someone gave her a fancy lollipop and she asked me what it was. I told her it was a secret-writing invisible ink pen. It lasted, amazingly, too! Until Dad had pity on her.... Well, can't blame me for trying. :)