Sunday, April 19, 2009

All Stones, All The Time

Hi everyone. So how long has it been? 2 weeks? I know, I'm pathetic, but it's been all I have just to keep up with the daily stuff lately and be in bed (or at least sitting down with a glass of wine) by 9:30 or so. You see, I have a whole laundry list of excuses as to why I just can't keep up with the blog here... I'll start with reason #1 and reason #2.

So we woke up this morning and Vincent asked for something that I wouldn't give him. When I told him "no" he went over to the couch to pout as Jade broke out in song...

"You can't always get what you want. You can't always get what you want. But if you try sometimes you just might find, you get what you need. Yah, oh baby."
It was hilarious.

So other than the constant child induced headache and high blood pressure, I'm also training (we'll use that term lightly) for the triathlon in Valpo in July, and trying to get 2 horses ready for a horse show the first weekend in May. I had a rehearsal Friday and my first wedding of the season last night, and I'm still doing Body Safety - but we're just about done with it this year, thank God. Other than that, things are quiet :)

Brian stained the deck this weekend with the nice weather, and got a bunch of other stuff done around here. I haven't cleaned in a week and we have no food. My mom just came and got the kids (yay) and I think we need to hit a few places in town. I'm uploading the wedding pics as I'm typing this... hopefully I'll have some time tonight to whittle through them and pick out some of my faves. I'll get them posted asap on my photo blog - check it out if you haven't yet! Especially with the photo season officially started, I'll have a lot of cool stuff to look at there!

Hope everyone had a good weekend. I should probably go get dressed. After all, it is 12:30 already...

1 comment:

Rob Monroe said...

I'm finding that cute child(ren) are always a good reason to not update a blog. I have been home from Wyoming for a week now and have not put up a single word about it!