Alright, I'm like really grossed out. I don't know why this is bothering me so badly, but it is to the point that I feel like I need to blog it to ease the pain...
As many of you know we have a fishtank for the kids. A few years ago I placed a 1-2 inch
plecostomas in there to eat up all the poo and extra food and stuff. It thrived, and within a short time, this thing was like, 6 inches long. Definitely bigger than anything else in the tank. What really bothered me about it was that whenever I took the fish out to clean the tank (mind you, which wasn't very often), this thing actually had weight to it. I'd stick the little net thing in there and scoop it out (after scraping it up the side - they stick to the sided of the tank) and it would be truly
heavy. Ewwwww. Then if it flipped around in the net............ uuuuuuuuhhhhhhh!!!
I get the heebie jeebies just thinking about it. Last time we cleaned the tank I made Brian take it out cuz I just can't handle it. Maybe I should call
this guy... woah.
Well, this morning (I just about typed "this smorning" - duh) as I was doing my rounds, I noticed the old plecostomas looked, well, lets say,
unwell. Actually, it looked quite... dead. I don't know what to do. If I even go in the room I'm gonna barf. Brian is sleeping because he worked last night and probably wouldn't really be pleased with me waking him after 3 hours of sleep to remove the dead plecostomas. There is NO WAY I can do it. I'll never sleep again...
Will someone please come over here and help me so I can go back in my living room?